Calgary is one of the safest cities in the world, and offers world-class experiences in sports, arts, cuisine, and more. The medical community in the Greater Calgary Area is also outstanding, and provides award winning care to Calgary-area residents and visitors from across the nation and around the globe. They’re a big part of what makes this city and this region an object of admiration and a source of inspiration for many municipalities, and we at Cuming & Gillespie LLP couldn’t be happier to frequently work with some of the best medical professionals around.
There are times, though, when an individual doctor, nurse, or medical institution endangers their patient and their profession through negligence and/or a reckless disregard for appropriate practices in delivering medical care. When such negligence causes you or a family member a serious injury or prolonged illness, the fact that the rest of the Calgary medical community is largely above reproach ceases to matter. You are left with tough decisions to make and additional pain, debilitations, and medical costs that never should have occurred, and you don’t know who you can trust anymore—it’s difficult to trust anyone, in fact.
We know, because we see people grappling with the issues everyday in our office. Medical malpractice is both physically and emotionally traumatic, and fighting back to get the care and compensation you deserve can seem like an overwhelming ordeal when the depths of the damage have just been discovered.
Don’t be discouraged, and don’t be afraid to force those responsible for your injuries to pay for the damage they’ve caused. Help is always available.
A Calgary Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help With Your Medical Malpractice Case
When you discover or even simply suspect that negligence on behalf of a medical professional or medical institution has caused you serious injury or has unnecessarily prolonged painful and/or debilitating illness, you are entitled to seek counsel from a Calgary personal injury lawyer who has experience dealing with medical malpractice claims. They can help you determine whether or not you have a legitimate claim and help you understand your options when it comes to reporting and seeking compensation for cases of medical malpractice.
Not only are you entitled to legal representation on your behalf, but your tax dollars—through Provincial funding of the Canadian Medical Protective Association—actually work to protect doctors and other medical professionals accused of malpractice. You’ve already got skin in the game so to speak; partnering with a knowledgeable medical malpractice lawyer is the best way to make the system work for you.
Contact a Compassionate, Experienced Calgary Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today
If you or a family member has been seriously injured or otherwise harmed by a medical professional’s negligence, you don’t have to face it alone. The dedicated plaintiff-only lawyers at Cuming & Gillespie LLP help people like you every day, and will fight hard to make sure your rights are protected. For a free initial consultation with a Calgary personal injury lawyer, contact our office today.